Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Oh Dariyaa de Paniyaa , Aeh mauja phirr nai aaniya

Prologue : All the incidents mentioned in the text below are related to originality. If you find something extra hilarious or humorous then it is not my fault. Use of computer terminology in the main body is to maintain the standards of NIT-KKR (Zehri standards). Bonne Lecture.

It has been two years since I left college but still a murmur of college in my ears brings an automated smile on my face. The hostel  -> the group FunZies is so special to me. Let me elaborate why – now comes something -> right from heart… :P

BEZZTIS (Venue –Ikjot’s room)-Gossip was a major part and parcel of our life, but the timings of these gossip was increased considerably during exam time due to complete attendance. Group study was rather a chaos creator as it was time during which we do analysis of Bezztis happened to us in class  + major events which took place in class including the acting of teachers.

BOOM-BOOM (Venue – Shailvee’s room)- Energy booster dance session-(switching lights off but with a disco bulb) was organized 2/3 days before End – Sem. This was required so as to free ourselves of pressure created in Cooker(Brain) and secondly to disturb others (The second floor people).The incredibly high volume was only realized when our sound energy and potential energy brought Warden up from Ground floor with a thud.

RAPID FIRE(Venue – any room)- The real Agni-Pariksha was done on Birthday Parties , when 2 opposition parties had to cut each other’s songs ; more enthusiastically than Lok Sabha members. The meeting was adjourned generally after 2’o clock AM when our throat’s power depleted to zero. Theme based Dress/Drama was a strong contender but still RAPIDFIRE was major sensation. I can still recall Aaja sanam madhur chandni m hum- the song most exploited by us. Some people possessed exceptionally blessed voice – the voice which changed the underlying musical notations of  song – PHAATA DHOL ;)

PROMOTIONAL CODE(Venue – any populated room) Whether movie was a diabetic(Mausam – extra sweetness which caused Sugar- Promotion was done in front of Supriya by Himani and me) or laughter inducer(Vicky Donor – M bhi toh kid hi hun- yeh duniya ek …etc dialogues which caused post-movie-laughter effects -with Nautasha) , its promotion was necessary because if you had blown your money on it then others should also ;)

LIGHT CUT-OFFS DURING NIGHT- This was also for a reason – To check our patience level with mosquitoes .We used to do get together in the corridors and conquered time with dance , rapid fires and other talkative skills

RADHA KAISE NA JAALE – This song was sung in hostel corridors and MBA departments.Exclusive choreography by Himani was commendable.

DIALOGUES- High 5 , 6, 7 ; Ga(n)s ; Ni(m)bbu ; tujhe hasi aa rahi hai; Veg–Singles; FRP-FRP; Melodramatically-blaa blaa ; Aisa sa/si ; speak anything but not actual words; [with Nautasha , Shipra & me]

BORNE WITH BARAATI DANCE DISEASE –whether it was Monali Thakur’s performance or any damn performance at stage , we were busy in our dance.The whole college was distressed with rubbish performance at stage but we were happy with our performance on our own songs at the back of the theatre. Yes obviously we had talented performers (First and First Runner ups in confluence) – as it was not easy to  make nullable performers dance in front of hundreds of audience at Best of 2K8 .

SEVERITY -1 (Venue – any clean room – mostly Jyoti’s room) – Certain major issues were discussed by closing the channels to our block by taking suggestions from everyone. The issue was not closed until it was resolved.

DELEGATED TRIPS – Trips to Delhi , Mumbai were delegated in front of complete strength which gave a holistic picture of that area. The explanation used to be so vivid that it made us feel as if we had visited that place in reality .I can recall “trip to Mumbai” by Shailvee.

DOMINOES k PIZZAS/ KHOKHE ka Khaana (Venue – any clean room)- Intention was to eat and to make  that room dirty.

These are only few instances which I shared .The journey of 4 years cannot be simply written in 4 paragraphs or  4 pages but it  is saved in our hard disks and can be retrieved anytime from our memory.

The waves once rolled in and broke on the surface of sea shall not come again. Those undulations and uprisings may never be caused again .Those glinted delights that featured originality, stupidity , immaturity  and madness will always hold a special position in my heart.

Oh Dariyaa de paaniya , Ae maujaa phir nahin aaniya….  

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Is India on the verge of Pink revolution?

Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita says that “the humble sages , by virtue of true knowledge , see with equal vision a learned gentle Brahman , a cow , an elephant , a dog and one who is outcast”.
In a country where Hindus are in majority , cow is treated as a sacred animal.The beef consumption is considered as sacrilegious since past thousand years.But the exact figures and indexes will put this thought upside down.
Wikipedia says India ranks 5th in the world in beef production , 7th in domestic consumption and 1st   in exporting(for 2012).Exports of beef from India are likely to hit close to 1.8 million tones in 2013 as per the forecast by the USDA.The value of India’s exports has increased by 68.4% from 1.9 billion USD in 2010-11  to 3.2 billion in 2012-13 according to APEDA.

The big question arises in mind what has caused a boom in this industry ??
When a cow is considered , the usefulness is seen in the milk production which is possible when she has a calf. Half of the calves are bulls who will never produce milk .The expense of  bulls are felt as a deficit to farmer and are sold out to slaughterhouses .Even a female cow who does not give the required quantities are mushroomed.

Are the eyes of Law closed?
Law governing the cattle slaughter is a Directive Principle of state and vary from state to state.The state legislatures have exclusive powers to legislate the prevention of slaughter and prevention of cattle.Some states allow the slaughter  with restrictions others completely ban on it.Other states such as Kerala impose no restriction on cattle slaughter .Haryana completely prohibits the cow slaughter and its progeny. The person accused of this crime can be imprisoned to a maximum of 5years and a fine of 5000 or both.The crime is considered as cognizable and non-bailable.Despite this cows are routinely shipped to states with lower or no requirement for slaughter across State borders.

There are about 3000 legalized slaughterhouses and about 36000 illegal slaughterhouses. The legalized slaughterhouses have only the right to export but in reality the major export oriented slaughterhouses are governed by the local players at stake of our water bodies.
At one side we see Government imposing restrictions and executing laws on this but on other side it offers subsidies for construction and upgradation of slaughterhouses under NABARD. APEDA  provides 25-60% subsidy on transport meat , pre-cooling facilities , cold storage, brand publicity , quality control , packaging , branding etc.Not only this,there is an exemption from sales tax and income tax on the export business.
The greed and the blatant subsidies are enough to bolster beef industry.

Do we have an alternative to this? Ofcourse yes .We just need to realize it.

The first principle which can be implemented is OX EMPLOYMENT.The overall value of ox is greater when he is utilized for work rather than when he is slaughtered and even when not productive in farming work , its dung and urine can be used as fertilizers , biogas , pest repellant etc.The cow dung is scientifically proved to possess antiseptic properties. 

There are many organizations such as ISCOWP which are working on this to vanguard the slaughter of cows.The very own BJP candidate Shri Narendra Modi has also shown a concern on this and has coined it as “PINK REVOLUTION” in  India.In August 2013, trucks carrying the beef on Delhi-Haryana road were burnt by a furious mob as a protest on ferrying of these beef carrying trucks.
As for government if it wants to subsidize something then why not the small farm family instead of beef industry.
Can we remain obtuse to this ? Don’t we all hanker for a simpler cleaner and less violent Earth??


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Stop Female Foeticide.....

Rightly said..
           "What sunshine is to a flower
                   a girl is to humanity ..........."
But the statement is disregarded after we find that 1/2 million female foetuses are killed each year in India .Female foeticide means aborting a healthy foetus of about 18 weeks of gestation period just because of the reason that the foetus is a female.If it is a male then the condition would not have been the same as our Indian society thinks that it is "only the son that is a social security in old age".
Despite the fact that determination of sex in the pre-natal stage is a penal offence yet it is widely practised by both parents as well as doctors. The scientific techniques of sonography ,amniocentesis,ultrasound are used to do this thus prooving themselves as a terminator.
How could we think of a society without feamles?I want to ask what is the crime done by those innocent foetuses who are killed even before opening their eyes to see this world?They are not given any sort of oppourtunity any warning to proove themselves.In the words of female foetus "I have crossed my fingers,may be I get a chance to come out alive".

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

एक चोरी करने की ख्वाहिश

मेरे नए नोकिया के फ़ोन में एक SMS आया था ,एक साधारण सा प्रश्न ,आपमें से बहुत से लोगों ने शायद सुना भी होगा,क्या चुरायेंगे आप इस दुनिया से यदि आप कुछ समय के लिए अदृश्य हो जाये?एक बार तो  इस विचित्र से प्रश्न ने मुझे वास्तविकता से परे स्वप्नों के महल में पंहुचा दिया परन्तु  दूसरे ही क्षण मुझे आभास हुआ कि -क्या सचमुच ये  दुनिया इतनी खूबसूरत है?
मुझे स्मरण हो उठा उन लोगों का जिनके पास रहने के लिए एक छत का आश्रय भी नहीं है , जिनकी भूख रात्री के अंधियारे में स्वंयं ही विलुप्त  हो जाती है ,जो अपनी  तमाम जिंदगी प्लेटफॉर्म पर ही गुज़ार लेते हैं या अपनी ही रेड्डी को मखमल का बिस्तर समझकर उसपर सो जाते हैं ,जो सर्दी के मौसम में जान भूजकर चोरी करते हैं ताकि वे जेल जा सकें और अपने शरीर को वहां कि दो वक्त कि रोटी और उस काल कोठरी में रहकर ठण्ड का सामना कर सकें | साथ ही मुझे स्मरण हो उठा उन मासूमों का जिन्होंने अपनी आँखें ममता के अंचल में भरी उस गरीबी में खोली जहाँ सिर्फ अँधियारा ही शेष था |उनका क्या जिन्होंने अपने बचपन के सुनहरे पल ट्रेफिक सिग्नल पर जमा हुई कारों कि भीड़ के शीशे साफ़ करने में ही लगा दिए ,या चिल चिलाती धुप में दर दर इधर से उधर भटककर अगर्बतियाँ बेचने में ही लगा दिए ,जो पौ फटते ही पूरे शहर के फेकें हुए गंद में कुछ रद्दी ढूँढने निकल पड़ते हैं इसी आस में कि शायद आज उन्हें गीला कपडा बंधकर अपने पेट को नहीं समझाना पड़ेगा ,जो शहर के बाहर  प्लास्टिक कि थैलियों  के टीलों के बीच अपना रहने का स्थान ढूँढ़ते हैं जहाँ हमारे जैसा व्यक्ति अपने आप को दुर्गन्ध से बचने कि लिए रुमाल कि सहायता लेता है ,जो दिन रात ढाबों पर चाय के कप धो कर अपना गुज़र निवेश करते हैं,जो बड़े बड़े स्कूलों को दूर से ही देखकर संतुष्ट हो जाते हैं , जो छुट्टी के दिन घरों का कूड़ा करकट उठाने में अपने माँ बाप के सहायता करते हैं , जो ट्रेन में दूसरों का मनोरंजन करके यह फिर अपने भाई बहिन कि दुर्दशा पर हमसे मदद की पुकार मंग्तें हैं और अनेकों बार मार पिटाई यह फिर गाली गलोच का शिकार भी बन जाते हैं ????????
इन लोगों के आँखों में अब आसूं भी बनने बंद हो गये .
 बस बस बस !यह सब सोचकर मेरा मन प्रकम्पित हो उठता है .मुझे कुछ नहीं चाहिए ,में अपने जीवन से संतुष्ट हूँ .
गरीबी मनुष्य के साथ बहुत ही बड़ा खिलवाड़ कर रही है ,उसका जीवन दूभर  बना रही है .मनुष्य को कुछ भी करने के लिए मजबूर कर रही है .हर किसी को सुख चैन से जीने का जनम सिद्ध अधिकार  है ,तो फिर यह गरीबी हमें क्यूँ अलग कर रही है ? क्यूँ हमें कुछ भी करने के लिए विवश कर  रही है ?
ना  होती यह बूख ,ना होती यह गरीबी और ना ही होती यह लाचारी यह बूख मारी .हाँ अगर मुझे अवसर मिले इस दुनिया से कुछ चोरी करने का तो संपूर्णतः में यहाँ से गरीबी की चूरी करुँगी और उसे अन्तरिक्ष के black hole में फ़ेंक आउंगी जहाँ से यह कभी वापस ना सके ..